Community events, private parties and neighborhood Christmas events.
How about loading all of your birthday party guests on a horse drawn wagon ride. Or better yet, all your friends stopping by your house for hot cider then bundling up in the horse drawn wagon for Christmas caroling through the neighborhood. Doesn’t that sound like fun!!! It is fun just ask all of the passengers we have currently given rides to.
Running Springs Farm, LTD offers just that service. We will travel to your house for your private party, company function in the summer time, or what about bringing Santa to your Christmas party and then hanging out and giving horse drawn wagon rides to your employees. Our wagon will accommodate 10-12 passengers and pulled by a team of black Percheron horses, Lucy & Rebecca , team of grey Percheron Bill & Bob or a Roan Belgian Wendy.

We offer summer, fall, winter and spring rides for all your special events. If you call ahead, you can schedule a ride leaving Spring Glen or Klingerstown and touring our beautiful valley. By appointments only.